Saturday, November 8, 2014

Simply, Support.

The idea is simple. As is the format:

Anytime you look at the clock and notice that it's 11:11, you either Send or Receive. Your choice: Send, or Receive. Period. 

No fee, no cost, no class to attend. It's simply about supporting your fellow human, by Sending [support];  or about BEING supported, by Receiving [Support energy]. At 11:11. Morning or night, either 11:11 counts. 

When you see that the clock says 11:11, you choose to Send or to Receive. Which feels appropriate for you right now? Both are totally acceptable. And both are needed, in this community /shared model. 

If the clock says 11:11 and you know you're "Strong" (in a strong place in your life), then you Send. 

If the clock says 11:11 and you're more of a man-down/ less-empowered /kinda need some help kinda place, then you're a Receiver. Period. Either or, and roles can and will shift; just pick, for right now: one-up, or one-down. Sender? Or Receiver? Are to able to GIVE right now (Send); or do you need to gain support (Receiver)? You're either choosing to be a Sender of Support, or a Receiver of Support. 

So you pick whichever place you're at, easy peasy, quick decision. 

So what does it look like, to Send "Support"? Myriad options! ... prayers to Jesus, prayers to The Divine, thoughts of warmth and healing, good vibes, aloha, chanting to your favorite Hindu goddess, calling on the One, channeling Ra, playing your favorite bumpin' dance tune that lifts you up, whatever-- it doesn't matter. This is inter-denominational and works across all flavors of Faith. It's simply about "supporting each other", our fellow humans, whilst they each navigate their own unique path of experience. Of pain. Of loss. Of grief. Of transition. Of uncertainty. Of fear. They're in fear, we were once in fear, so it goes. As the wheel turns. It might be "me" who needs Support someday, so while I'm feeling pretty good, I can at least Send out "Support" right now. At this 11:11 moment. 

This simple format is a way to Support each other, easily and effectively!

... You won't know *who* needs to Receive your Support vibes, when you Send. But it doesn't matter; it will still work. 'Cuz we're all just energy, right?  

And, conversely, you won't know *whom* is Sending you that beautiful "Support" energy, when you tap in at 11:11 and Receive. Yet it still works. We make this "The 11:11 Network". Yeah?

What I am proposing here is a perpetual wheel of support; the community, giving and receiving, interchangeably, as needed. One for all and all for one. And it only takes 30 seconds (or up to 3 minutes) of your time, your focus, when you see that 11:11 on your clock.
So if you're having a particularly good day, and you want to "contribute" to the raising-of-vibration for your fellow human, then you will notice the 11:11 on your clock, and Send! [Send out "supportive vibes"].

And if you're having a particularly challenging day, then you will know that when you see the 11:11 on your timepiece, that there IS support for you, coming your way across the airwaves. 

--Note: What Do I Send?--

Simple! You don't have to know "what to send". You don't have to know "what is the exact right thing for this person or that person to receive". You don't *have to* figure out the Solution To Their Problem. Therefore, the weight is lifted off of *you*; that's NOT your job! (Phew! What a relief!)

All you need do is Send "Healing Thoughts", or "Good Vibes". Or "Aloha". Or the way you feel when you hear your favorite song. Just hold the Intention that "whatever is most needed and most useful to that person's healing and higher self, that's what I'm'a sendin'". Easy peasy! 

And someday down the road, you may "switch roles"; you might feel strong enough to be a "Sender" now, and so you Send out good energy to whomever is in need, when you see that magical 11:11 on your timepiece. But something in your life might change, and suddenly you find yourself in the "I need to RECEIVE" mode! Then you tap in, at that same magical 11:11 moment, and Receive. Knowing that SOMEbody is "out there", sending you good vibes. 

In this way, it works for all of us. Today I'm a Sender, but tomorrow I might need to be a Receiver. Back and forth, the circle of community. 

No signups, no cost. And nobody has to know if you're a-givin' or a-takin' right now. It's all just a simple, beautiful, perpetual wheel of give-and-receive, help-and-be-helped. So it works for *every*body who comes on board, be they Senders or Receivers.

Hope you like this new platform! Sign up (energetically only!) for this new, potentially-amazing support wheel. Just notice those magical 11:11 moments, in your own time zone, and then choose: Send, or Receive? Which one feels Right to me, in this moment? 

Ah. Magic. 


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